The Hoki-ryu is one of the older styles of iaido which were developed ultimately from the teachings of Hayashizaki Jinsuke.

Participants in this course will enhance their knowledge of techniques unique to the Hoki-ryu, and develop a better understanding of the general principles of swordsmanship applicable to any dojo of any school of Japanese swordsmanship.

Tetsu  Nakamura

Tetsu  Nakamura is a professor at the Hyogo University of Teacher Education in Japan. He has been teaching Hoki-ryu to a group of students in the USA for several years.

Dakin Burdick

Dakin Burdick, Ph.D.  is a nidan in Hoki-ryu iaido. He is an Instructional Consultant at Indiana University at Bloomington.

Last modified June 6, 2002 by Kim Taylor
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