The All Japan Kendo Federation uses a set of ten iaido kata called Zen Ken Ren Iai or seitei gata iai. The ten kata are taken from several  iaido styles.

Participants in this course will enhance their knowledge of techniques unique to the ZKR iai, and develop a better understanding of the general principles of swordsmanship applicable to any dojo of any school of Japanese swordsmanship.

Bill Mears

Bill Mears is one of the senior iaido instructors in Canada, holding a 5dan rank. He is based near Fort Erie, Ontario, and also teaches in the USA. Mears sensei sits on the central iaido grading panel for the Canadian Kendo Federation.

Last modified June 10, 2002 by Kim Taylor
Sei Do Kai Iaido Homepage Kim's Big Page of Stuff Canadian Kendo Federation EJMAS