Instructor: Didier Peries
Toda-ha Buko-ryu was founded by Toda Seigen at the end of fifteenth
century. Because of his outstanding abilities, his art came to be
called the Toda-ryu. The name was changed, first to Buko-ha Toda-ryu
and later to its present form, Toda-ha Buko-ryu, under its thirteenth
headmaster, Suneya Ryosuke Takeyuki.
Although Buko-ryu was originally a comprehensive fighting system, a
number of sets have been lost over the centuries, and the tradition now
centers on two types of naginata, the straight or su-naginata, and a
cross-barred kagitsuki naginata. These weapons are paired against
sword, spear, and kusarigama, and there are also six-foot staff,
representing a naginata with its blade broken off, and nagamaki
A total fifty-one techniques divided into five sets have been
transmitted directly (the honden) and there are three sets (betsuden)
that have been recently reconstructed based on old descriptions and
drawings. All of the techniques were done as if wearing battlefield
armor; as a result the stances are low and the movements large and
Nitta Suzuo (female headmasters take masculine forms of their personal
names) is the 19th headmaster.
For more information
last updated June 22, 2006 by Kim