Tenshinsho Jigen ryu

Tenshinsho Jigen ryu consists of waza and kata characterized by one-handed draws/cuts and the use of mawari (turning).  It has an overall aggressive character.  The class will cover basic kamae and waza, some basic kata and irohauchi (two-person sword exercise).

Deborah Klens-Bigman

Deborah Klens-Bigman began fencing at the University of Minnesota in 1978, studying foil and sabre.  After moving to New York City in 1980, she pursued fencing instruction at Salle Santelli (later Salle Bartha) until 1987.  In 1986 she began studying Muso Shinden ryu iaido at New York Iaikai (now New York Budokai) with Otani Yoshiteru, where she is now an associate instructor.  She began studying Tenshinsho Jigen ryu iaido by way of a visit to Kawbata Terutaka's Tokyo dojo in 1986, continuing study during numerous visits to Japan.

Last modified May 27, 2003 by Kim Taylor
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