                Kajiya, 12th soke of Hyoho Niten Ichiryu

The 2017 Hyo Ho Niten Ichiryu Canada Seminars

With Takanori Kajiya, Soke

Calgary, July 5 and 6

Guelph, July 8 and 9

Toronto, July 10

                Musashi, founder of Niten Ichiryu


July 5 and 6
Contact Alex Cook


July 8 and 9
Contact Dennis Nikitenko

Guelph Registration Form, note Early Bird Pricing

ACCOMMODATION: is available through the University of Guelph hostel and is highly recommended. The official contact is hostel@uoguelph.ca 519-824-4120, x52694 or in May ext. 58124 (Please note that payment is made directly to the hostel, not through the Sei Do Kai).

For those who prefer hotel accommodations: There are several motels nearby and many other hotels are available in Guelph, check out any of the internet hotel search sites.


July 10
Contact Jason Nip

The 2017 Tombo Dojo Seminar with Colin Watkin

Kage Ryu and Niten Ichiryu

July 15 and 16

Kage Ryu on Sauble Beach
Kage Ryu on the Beach 2015


Colin Watkin and his sensei at Mihashira Jinja


Colin Watkin and Iwami soke demonstrate Niten Ichiryu

Kage Ryu  影流 is the choken batto jutsu of the Yanagawa Feif. In simpler terms, it's the art of drawing the choken, a very long blade, as passed down in the Yanagawa area of Japan during and after the Edo period. Colin Watkin sensei will be introducing the school to students during this seminar. Hyo Ho Niten Ichiryu (two heavens as one school) was developed by Miyamoto Musashi, author of the "Book of Five Rings" (Go Rin no Sho) and one of Japan's most famous swordsmen. The school dates from the early 1600s and its most distinctive feature is its concurrent use of both the long and short swords. Watkin sensei is menkyo in the school and will be teaching this art to students during the seminar.

The ryu is listed of having Shihan as a teacher and leader. The word Soke adopted from Kabuki has never been used. Bugei Ryūha Jiten lists the following as previous Shihan including the founder. Needless to say the leader of ryu is not hereditary either.

① Yamamoto Hisaya Masakatsu 山本久弥正勝

② Kiyono Hidemoto 清野秀元 

③Shintama Akira 真玉随可

④ Yamazaki Buzen 山崎無善

⑤ Namazue Denuemon (Tememon) 鯰江伝右衛門

⑥ Watanabe Yukinari 渡辺幸成

⑦ Watanabe Yukinobu 渡辺幸猛

⑧ Watanabe Kosatsugu 渡辺幸嗣

⑨ Monjusho Kenzaburo 問注所謙三郎

⑩ Monjusho Takeo 問注所武雄

⑪ Takamuku Miyoji

Shodai: Miyamoto Musashi no Kami Fujiwara no Genshin

Nidai: Terao Kyumanosuke Nobuyuki

Sandai:Terao Goemon Katsuyuki

Yondai: Yoshida Josetsu Masahiro

Godai: Santo Hikozaemon Kyohide

Rokudai: Santo Hanbei Kiyoaki

Nanadai:Santo Shinjuro Kiyotake

Hachidai: Aoki Kikuo Hisakatsu

Kyudai: Kiyonaga Tadanao Masami

Judai: Imai Masayuki Nobukatsu

Juichidai: Iwami Toshio Harukatsu

Junidai: Kajiya Takanori

Tombo Dojo
Location for Training:
Tombo Dojo, 452 Red Bay Road near Wiarton Ontario. The dojo is on Sky Lake, half way between Mar on Highway 6 and Red Bay on Lake Huron. 


Friday July 14
5pm -
Arrival and unpacking
Saturday July 15 all day
Sunday July 16 all day Training

Some of the classes may be held on a beach so bring a hat and sunscreen.

$95 for both days, Registration Form

Students are welcome to stay at the dojo itself, most of the students will be bunking on the dojo floor so bring your own air mattress. There is plenty of room for tents or trailers on the site as well, be aware that it's a cedar woods so mosquitos are possible, so make sure your net is in good repair.
The dojo has cold running water and a wood-fired sauna. It is off the grid with a solar/battery system. There is a toilet, radio and cellphone reception but no wifi and no TV. We will be cooking and fending for ourselves so BYOB.

Other places nearby:
You could try these, I don't vouch for any of them, if you're searching try cottage, bed and breakfast, motel, resort.


The seminar will be held at a cottage off the main roads so driving / carpooling is the best way to get there. Drive north of Wiarton onto the Bruce Peninsula on Highway 6. Turn left onto the Red Bay Road at Mar (a crossroads with a gas station and community center) and drive until you get to Sky Lake at which point you will turn left next to the lake. Just at the end of the lake there is a small hill, the driveway is at the top of the hill just as the power lines cross the road on the right hand side. There is a fire number of 452 beside one of the entrances (there are two, neither very obvious). The dojo is at the end of the driveway. For map directions on your phone type in 452 Red Bay Road, Ontario and you'll get there.

Sei Do Kai Iaido Homepage Equipment Supplies for the Seminar
Electronic Journals of Martial Arts and Sciences

Last modified June 5, 2017 by Kim Taylor